UB Global has set the following values which guide where we focus our attention as an organization.
We desire to multiply followers of Christ, who have been taught to live the full way of Jesus and God’s love.
The Lesser-Reached
We focus on unreached people groups, where there are not sufficient believers to reach the broader population without external help. (Typically less than 5% Christian or 2% Evangelical.)
People Over Programs
We prefer to invest in people, rather than in projects, programs, or institutions.
Avoid Dependency
Centuries of missions have taught hard lessons about how well-intentioned Christian efforts can hurt rather than help if not approached wisely. We seek to learn, apply, and share those best practices, even where it may not be easy.
Existing Connections
We pursue opportunities where we already have meaningful connections. We like to build on existing relationships, rather than "parachute drop" into a place where we don't know anyone.
Social Action
We favor social action that is evangelistically oriented. We always ask, "Will this point people toward Jesus?"
Local Leaders
We develop local leadership in our overseas ministries and discourage staff from assuming lengthy leadership roles. We want cross-cultural workers to work themselves out of job.
Local Ownership
We seek local ownership and participation. It's not enough that a ministry or project be valued by people far away in North America.
Staff Care
We care for the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs of staff. We take care of our missionaries.
Equipping Volunteers
We ensure that all volunteers have adequate training, funding, and resources. We mobilize people for work trips and short-term ministries, but come alongside them to make sure they can be successful.
We value methods that are sustainable, reproducible, culturally relevant, and technologically appropriate within the host culture.
We partner with those who share our values and objectives. UB Global personnel have served with many other mission agencies, and various organizations have provided invaluable help and resources to us.
We demonstrate the compassionate heart of God by ministering to those in need. This shows up in disaster relief, medical care, and in other ways.