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UB Missions Asia
China staff 1920s

a journey of nearly 170 years

The Story of
UB Global

Since venturing into Sierra Leone in 1855, United Brethren have established churches in nearly 20 countries and sent missionaries to several dozen more.

The Beginning

In 1855, the new Home, Frontier, and Foreign Missionary Society began mission work in Sierra Leone - our first international ministry. The work there grew to include over 60 churches, dozens of primary schools, five high schools, and a hospital.

Around the World

We launched a school in Canton, China. After World War II, the work relocated out of China, where United Brethren churches formed. From this base, the ministry eventually spread to other parts of Asia.

Back West

Opportunities arose to begin mission work in the Western hemisphere, specifically, Jamaica and Honduras. Thriving conferences started in both places.


UB overseas conferences began starting churches in new countries. Honduras's efforts eventually led to work in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico. Asia base started work in Macau, Thailand, and Myanmar. Sierra Leone guided churches in Liberia and Germany.

Back to the US

UB Global recruited Denis Casco, of Honduras Conference, to start Hispanic churches in the U.S. UB immigrants from Asia and Jamaica started churches in NYC. Sierra Leoneans spearheaded churches that consisted mostly of immigrants from Africa.

Truly Local Leadership

Churches in seven countries were established as self-governing national conferences. No longer were they under the direction of a board in the U.S. The Canadian and American churches formed what became UB Global to cooperate in advancing missions.

Multi-national Missions

We launched work in Chiang Rai, Thailand, among the ethnic Thai population, which is less than 0.4% Christian. The Lord brought together a truly international team consisting of people from Honduras, Thailand, United States, and two other undisclosed locations.

To Everywhere From Everywhere

The Lord of the Harvest continues to call UB Global to serve in some of the most difficult places, among some of the least-reached people groups. Will you join us toward better missions together?