Curious if God is calling you into missions?
UB Global offers internships serving overseas or in our headquarters in Huntington, IN. We have Internship opportunities for summer, a semester, or even a year.
International Internships
We have international opportunities in Chiang Rai, Thailand. You can serve alongside our international team of experienced UB Global cross-cultural workers. Interns develop experience and skills while exploring a long-term calling to cross-cultural work. We'll be right there beside you throughout the whole process as you train and raise support to go overseas, while you are in Thailand, and then to debrief with you after you return. Click here for more information about this internship.
Huntington, IN Internships
If exploring Missions while still in the United States is a better fit for you, we offer a variety of internships with our UB Global team out of our office in Huntington. Interns have the opportunity to learn about all aspects of missions. Responsibilities can be customized based on the interests, talents and skills of the intern. We have hosted interns with a variety of Majors ranging from Business, Graphic Design, English, Ministry and more.
So whether you're taking a short break, want to learn about missions post-schooling, or even spend a semester drawing closer to God and what He's doing around the world, UB Global's internship program is just right for you.
Click on the link below to view job descriptions for both opportunities and if you are interested in exploring further, fill out the form below.
Thinking about taking a gap year? We have a unique program that allows you to serve in North America and overseas, be discipled, and gain experience in a variety of jobs.
I'd Like To learn more!
"UB Global is a great experience for anyone, no matter your major. If you really want to take that next step into the workplace, just go for it!"
"It was amazing to see that public relations and marketing is not just for the business world, it can also be utilized to help the Kingdom."
"They really modeled what a positive work environment was like, and I really want to bring that to the different places that I work."