That is what life is like for the Oshari People group.
(We use the name Oshari publicly for security reasons for the country and its people. It's not their real name.)
This non-religious people group is primarily located in one country, with smaller populations in three others. Osharis living in urban settings typically work in factories while rural Osharis continue traditional farming practices.
Osharis are hardworking, devoted, respectful, and curious. Since the flow of information into their country is highly controlled, they have many questions about the outside world. They are interested in other people groups and ways of life outside of what they know.
The nearly 30 million Osharis are extremely restricted in the areas of economy, politics, written publications, media, speech, gathering, and religion. Christianity, and any religion, is strictly prohibited. Not only do Osharis who are found to follow Christ face imprisonment and death, but their close and extended family members do as well. Despite this persecution, it is estimated that 1.6% of Osharis are professing Christians.
As is the case with many unreached people groups, there are only a few missionaries working with this group. The Osharis are in need of spiritual and political freedom – we pray that God bless them in those ways in His perfect timing. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”