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Discovering Your Church's Missional DNA

Every local church, just like every person, has its own DNA. We all have a role to play in God’s global harvest. UB Global can help your church discover its unique missional DNA.

Some local churches see missions as just picking a few missionaries and sending them money once a year. Others simply imitate what they see other churches doing. These aren’t bad, but what if there is a way to inspire greater enthusiasm and channel the congregation’s full potential?

UB Global takes local churches through a process to develop a unique missions strategy along with an implementation plan to make it a reality. We don’t have a prescribed formula, but will help the church uncover its own missional DNA and develop its own missions approach.

It begins with a survey to be completed by as many of your members as possible. This gives your leadership team a snapshot of the church’s perceptions and realities.

After that, UB Global representatives will provide:

  1. A series of interactive workshops to train your leadership team in their missions understanding.
  2. Guided analysis and strategy sessions with your leadership team to formulate goals and an implementation plan.

After the workshops, UB Global will continue to be available to work with your leaders to roll out your ideas, find the right ministry matches, and make your plan a success.

Contact us to schedule a time to talk and see if this is right for you. This service is free to UB churches. It’s a part of UB Global’s commitment to walk alongside churches toward better missions together.

So join us for an exciting time of learning and growing together as we discover the mission God prepared your church to fulfill!