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Worldview Fall 2024 Final2

WorldView Newsletter

WorldView is a missions newsletter published twice a year. It shares the latest on what God is doing through UB missions, cross-cultural workers, our projects around the world, news from our partner fields, prayer concerns, and other exciting updates. It's mailed to UB churches in the US, virtually provided to our Canadian churches, and the latest issue is available here as well.

WorldView Resources

You will find the various resources identified in the Spring 2024 issue of WorldView here. Enjoy!

Karena and Grandfather Moi

Jesus from Moi to Mae

Discover the numerous places communities of people gathered to hear the Gospel Together.

In the West, our typical evangelistic efforts are focused on bringing individuals to Jesus. In Thailand, our missionary team is thinking differently. What if we made our goal to bring whole families, neighborhoods, and communities to Jesus? How might a family-oriented approach make the Gospel easier to take root among unreached people groups whose non-Christian family members may be opposed to the Good News? Does this sound foreign to your thinking?

Let’s stretch our minds and opinions through some New Testament statements.

Expanded excerpts from Acts 10 & 16, John 4, and Php 10 (NIV)

  1. Cornelius was expecting [Peter and believers from Joppa] and called together his relatives and close friends

  2. While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on [Cornelius, his relatives, and close friends (maybe others?)] who heard the message… so Peter ordered that [Cornelius, his relatives, and close friends (maybe others?)] be baptized in the name of Jesus

  3. Then [Paul and Silas] spoke the word of the Lord to [the jailer] and to all the others in his house… Then immediately [the jailer] and all his household were baptized.

  4. Leaving her water jar, the woman went back to town and said to the people “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.” Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony.

  5. What has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.

There are over 9 million Northern Thai and they are a mere 0.4% Christian. Very few of them have access to the Gospel. What will it take to reach them all? What if God brought whole families to Himself? How might the effort to bring the Gospel of Jesus multiply if we ask God to redeem entire families and organic communities of people?

Boa Kri

Person of Peace

Can you identify the PoP in your circles?

Another person who is identified as a Person of Peace (PoP) is the Samaritan Woman at the well. We don’t even know her name; but think about what she did after speaking with Jesus. She quickly accepted his word and recognized Jesus as a prophet. She went home and gathered up the village folk and boldly told them about Jesus. Despite having a bad reputation in the community, the end result was that many in the town believed in Jesus.

There are many other examples, but let’s consider a Roman soldier, Cornelius. Despite being a centurion, he was characterized as being a God-fearer, treating Jews well, and giving to those in need. When Peter comes to him, God had already given Cornelius a dream, and he had already gathered a large crowd at his house to hear Peter’s Good News for the Gentiles. We could go on, but you can probably think of many other examples from the Bible.

Join us in asking the Spirit to lead our missionaries to find PoP on all of our mission fields, especially the unreached people group contexts where very few nationals are Jesus followers.

Christian Comparison WHITE

% Christian Comparison

This chart shows a comparison of the percentage of people identifying as Christian in selected Unreached People Groups (UPGs) with whom UB Global is engaged versus select world regions from the article titled "Frontier from the Beginning". UB Global is focused on UPGs because without missionaries, the people in these people groups will likely die without ever having the chance to hear about Jesus even once in their lifetimes.




Learn how you can partner with UB Global to bring the Gospel to this Muslim people group.

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Buddhist woman praying

Ethnic Thai Buddhists


Find out about our work ministering to this people group through the Good Soil Community Center.

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Learn about our newest work with this oppressed unreached people group.

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